Senin, 30 April 2007
Unconditional Love - By Sjef Van De Laak
We are all creations of God’s image. Essentially there is only one of us in this universe. Given that Love is the resource of the entire Creation, we all will be unconditional loved and supported from nature.However love needs to be put in motion, will it be noticed and experienced. It is like a latent Force, that needs to be stirred up to finally realize what it means in our lives.Everything in
Minggu, 29 April 2007
You've Got What It Takes! - By Edi Sowers
I love to run for exercise.Some of my most peaceful memories are of my early morning jogs through the gorgeous beach community of Coronado, California. The pounding sound of the waves on the sand, the padding of my feet on the pavement, the occasional “ ‘mornin” to a fellow jogger passing by in the dark.Then there were the runs on the path winding through the Saguaro National Monument in Tucson,
Sabtu, 28 April 2007
What's on YOUR Wall? - By Scott Ginsberg
If you’re self-employed like me, regular "punches in the face" can do you some good.To keep yourself on point. To keep yourself motivated. To keep yourself accountable.And here’s the good news: the perfect resource to accomplish these goals is right before your eyes.Your office walls.Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with wall decorations. From my house growing up to my college
Jumat, 27 April 2007
The Ultimate Million Dollar Challenge - of Yourself - By Demond Jackson
How do you spell success? Is it M-I-L-L-I-O-N? Is it $25 an hour? Is it $12 an hour? Being able to comfortably pay all your bills with an extra $50 in the bank? How do you personally define success? If you have not reached that level of achievement, how close are you?We must be consciously aware of where we are going if we ever expect to reach it. Being average is so common that only a small
Kamis, 26 April 2007
Do You Want to Increase Engagement and Happiness? - By Maurine Patten
Are you tired of feeling like you are just going through the motions in life? How would things be different for you if you felt excited or passionate about your life? Feeling engaged in what you are doing is one of the four types of happiness described in A Primer in Positive Psychology (2006) by Christopher Peterson. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi refers to it as flow.Engagement is being involved in
Opportinity Is Knocking... Are You Coming Out To Play - By Karen Senteio
When we were kids, it was the best thing in the world to have friends knock on our door and ask you to come out and play. You did not have to know what you were going to do that day. You were perfectly fine with getting outside and creating something to do. You were innovative, motivated and believed that anything was possible. You were ready to take action and try something new, get dirty
Selasa, 24 April 2007
Tinnitus Forces You to Learn - By Paul Tobey
Do you know the main reason why most people don’t get the results they desire? It’s because they don’t follow through on anything long enough to get the desired effect. They give up before they reach their goal because it’s either too hard, takes too long or it’s too much trouble.How can anyone ever hope to get what they want in life if they keep giving up and making excuses why they couldn’t
Senin, 23 April 2007
This Is My Doing - By Donna L. Watkins
My belief is that we Christians struggle against ourselves more than the devil himself. We hold a high standard, which is good, but it can be produce a lot of self-condemnation.In I Kings 12:24 God directs the King of Judah not to go against the Israelites in battle, and He says, "This is my doing."We have to realize that every day's events are allowed by God. For whatever reason, God is
Rabu, 18 April 2007
Freedom is a Gift - By Jacqueline Wales
This week is the Jewish holiday of Passover. It's a festival that's been celebrated for thousands of years and every year we read the same story of how Moses took the Israelites from oppression into freedom. It's a powerful story of how one man can change the lives of many and continue to influence people for hundreds of generations.Whether we believe the story is true or not is irrelevant. The
Selasa, 17 April 2007
OpTimize Your Sub-Conscious Mind - By Joy Cassell
Self directed change is possible and our birthright if we understand the mechanism of our subconscious mindsOne way to think of our subconscious minds is to use the analogy of a computer operation system (the OS.) The second step to my Life OpTimize philosophy is to actively peruse and understand our OS.We develop beliefs about ourselves early in life and it develops as our sub concisions OS –
Minggu, 15 April 2007
How to Stop the Drama that's Keeping You Stuck - By Marlene Chism
It happens without notice. You realize you’re lost in the fog. You feel unhappy and you start to search. The issue itself doesn’t matter as much as the universal feeling of being uncomfortable in your skin or feeling out of alignment. This feeling happens at midlife. It happens when you are at a cross roads or a life transition, or it happens when you are trying to build a business and you enter
Sabtu, 14 April 2007
3 Step Simple Motivational Theory For Success - By Marianne Buzzelli
There are 3 basic steps in any motivational theory for success: 1. The driving force: vision 2. Define your goal: success 3. Action steps: the planStep 1. The driving force: vision Do you have self motivation? What is the force that motivates you? What is it that makes you work or play with great enthusiasm? We have all heard the post-interview speech by the great athletes who explain the key
Kamis, 12 April 2007
Over Thinking, Under Performing - By Darren J Robinson
I've studied many top performers in various lines of employment, and have looked at several over achievers, and one of the major commonalities amongst them is the ability to not only do what they need to do, but also to take action!Nike coined the phrase, "Just Do It," and that simple quote, although so simple on it's own, can make or break a person's success in life.How many times have you
Senin, 09 April 2007
Imagine That - By Donna L. Watkins
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. --Matthew 5:6I want to be filled. Don't you want to be filled? Filled with joy and peace and love and just ooze with mercy and love for others? Have you met anybody like that? There are few out there in our current world of so much bad news and stress-styled lifestyles. But deep within each of us is the
Kamis, 05 April 2007
Simplified Work - Making Your Best Contribution - By Enoch Tan
If you really want to grow your business you are going to have to answer a single question that almost no struggling entrepreneur ever asks themselves. You want to know what it is? Of course you do, so let's press on.Now listen, don't let the simplicity of the question fool you because it'll be easy to dismiss it, but if you do, you'll never even achieve a fraction of what you are capable of. Ok,
Minggu, 01 April 2007
Build Your Vision Slowly - By Ian Crossley
During my talks in New Zealand I had some thoughts that may help you, it is amazing how plane journeys focus your mind. I tend to go into hibernation mode and let the world go by. This of course is the best time to think.I keep getting asked about CMI or goals or visions, this appears to be a major stumbling block.Most people have a problem with formulating a really good vision, because their
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